Furuno BNWAS BR-500
Wheelmark approved Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System
- Outputs ALR sentence for VDR
- Easy to read alphanumeric and graphic presentation
- Optional Motion Detector
- Monitors the watch officer´s presence for maritime casualty avoidance
BNWAS from Furuno
The IMO MSC.86 (May 2009) decided to make the BNWAS mandatory of all ships of 150 GT and larger. Passenger ships constructed on or after July 1st 2011, irrespective of size, shall be fitted with BNWAS to be in operation when the ship is at sea. Ships constructed prior to July 1st, 2011 are also requested to install BNWAS. The Furuno BNWAS BR-500 monitors the watch officer´s presence through watch safety system functions. A watch officer is required to press the button on a Timer Reset Panel or to operate navigation equipment (e.g. ECDIS, Radar, etc) at certain intervals, which can be set between 3 and 12 minutes. When the officer fails to press the button within pre-set intervals, visual and audible alarms will be generated in the wheelhouse. If the officer doesn’t respond to the alarm, the BR-500 transfers the alarm to the Cabin Panels installed in other sections of the vessel in order to inform backup officers of the watch officer´s incapacity. Furuno offers the optional Motion Detector to watch the officer´s capability. Also, the optional Flash Beacon enables the watch officer to recognize the visual alarm.
Technical informations:
Power Supply: 100-230 VAC or 24 VDC
Screen Size: 4.3” color LCD