Furuno Inmarsat Felcom 18/19
Wheelmark approved Inmarsat C System
- SSAS option available
- LRIT application compatible
- GPS Receiver option avilable
- Felcom 19 for „Blackbox“ operation
Felcom 18
Fururno´s Felcom 18 is able to provide access to worldwide telex, data transmission. Also E-Mails can be sent. Traffic can be transferred from ship to ship, ship to shore or shore to ship. EGC´s can be received and distress messages can be handled. This system is also capable of LRIT functions. Used for GMDSS applications.
Felcom 19
As an Inmarsat MINI-C Mobile earth Station, this system features SSAS capability with the use of the optional SSAS alert unit kit. This system can also be used as an Stand-alone LRIT system. Is used as a blackbox installation.
Technical informations:
Power Supply: 12.24VDC
Power consumption Tx: Felcom 18 <= 130W | Felcom 19 <= 50W
Power consumption Rx: Felcom 18 <= 60W | Felcom 19 <= 10W
Frequency: TX 1626.5-1646.5 MHz Rx 1537.0-1544.2 MHz
Channel spacing: 5kHz